CSS Payment Methods Information

Welcome to the CSS Payment Information Page. Depending on the event, league, or special event this is where you select a method to submit payment to the league. Please remember when filling out a form, submitting through Zelle, or sending in a check make sure you do not send the extra money if you have already paid the annual fee.

CSS Tuesday League


  1. Spring $70.00
  2. Fall $70:00
  3. Annual Association Fee: $20.00 {If not already paid)
  • Zelle Method
    • Using your Zelle bank account. When sending you have to include the 7049079054 number.
  • Send a Check
    • Carolina Senior Sports
      7427 Matthews Mint Hill Rd
      Suite 105 PMB 197
      Mint Hill , NC 28227

CSS Thursday League

  1. Session 1: $50.00
  2. Session 2: $50:00
  3. Annual Association Fee: $20.00 {If not already paid)
  • Zelle Method
    • Using your Zelle bank account. When sending you have to include the 7049079054 number.
  • Send a Check
    • Carolina Senior Sports
      7427 Matthews Mint Hill Rd
      Suite 105 PMB 197
      Mint Hill , NC 28227